
Dwayne James, M.A.

Artwork on this page:

Note: I created all the artwork on this page using technical pens of varying sizes. None of the drawings have been modified or touched up with a computer.

Portrait of Donna
I painted this watercolour for my mother who gave it as a gift to a good friend of hers who lost her daughter Donna in 2010.

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Portrait of Donna


Portrait of Jan
I illustrated this portrait of my wife's Step-Mom for her 65th birthday. I can't imagine ever actually driving a riding mower with a dog sitting on top, and while playing guitar, but it's supposed to be whimsical!

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Portrait of Jan



I drew this glass of stout when I was working at the Olde Stone Brewing Company in Peterborough. It was used on their menu, and is visible on their web site.

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Boy at Christmas
I drew this a few years back for a Christmas card. It accompanied a story about the wonder I felt as a child about Christmas, and how I would stare out the window looking for Santa Claus.

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The House My Father Built
This is the house I grew up in. Note my childhood dog Dusty on the front lawn, and the car in which I learned how to drive.

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Me and Chris
Portrait of me and my friend Christopher showing some of our more memorable experiences.

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On this particular valentine's day, I was too poor for real roses, so I drew one instead.

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A pair of embroidery scissors.

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Sioux's first Mother's Day
Portrait I drew of Violet and her mommy - I also made the frame out of a piece of oak that had been discarded behind an appliance store.

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The Snow Warriors
Portrait of myself and my two brothers playing in the snow as kids.

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The Cast Drawings
The first in a series I called the 'cast drawings'. So named because I drew them while recuperating from a broken ankle at my parent's house in Haliburton. As the series progressed, and got increasingly more provocative, I began to realize how lonely I had become!

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Dwayne James, Web Portfolio
Résumé | Writing Samples | Information Design
Archaeological Artifacts | Skeletal material
Computer Graphics | Logo Designs | Posters | Watercolours |  Wall Mural Design
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